PM: Wound of Cyprus occupation must close
Άρθρο από το Hellenic Business (
Prime minister George Papandreou will meet on Tuesday with visiting Cyprus foreign minister Marios Kyprianou, while on Wednesday he will have a brief discussion with Cyprus President Demetris Christofias at Larnaca Airport, where he will be in transit for a few hours en route to Israel and Palestine.
Papandreou said the situation in Cyprus must end and the wound of the unacceptable occupation must close, and called on Turkey to manifest the necessary political will for a just settlement of the Cyprus problem.
In a message on Monday marking the 36th anniversary of the Turkish invasion of the northern part of Cyprus, the premier reiterated Greece's active support for the efforts by President Christofias to achieve a settlement of the Cyprus problem at the negotiations table, adding that for Greece the Cyprus problem is a top national priority.
He also called on Turkey to manifest the necessary political will for a just settlement of the Cyprus issue, without which there can be no full normalisation in Greek-Turkish relations. "It's (Turkey's) role is crucial and decisive for a speedy solution to the problem," Papandreou added, in a message.
"The current situation in Cyprus is unacceptable and must be terminated," Papandreou said, and stressed the need for a just, viable and functional settlement based on the UN Security Council resolutions and EU decisions...a solution of a bicommunal, bizonal federation with a single sovereignty, a single international entity and a single citizenship.

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