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- Χρηματιστηριακές εταιρείες
- Χρηματοδότηση Επιχειρήσεων
- Leasing
- Franchise
- Κύπρος
The Fortune 500 business jet charter provider in Greece

Jetway has built a reputation on providing superior client service. Through our experience and dedication to the luxury travel industry, Jetway is committed to providing you with the most professional and efficient luxury travel services. Private Jet and helicopter Charters, VIP Concierge Services and more.
“Fortune 500” companies choose Jetway for their demanding travel needs. Our proficient staff well educated in the luxury travel industry and our reservation staff is conveniently available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
In addition to high touch processing through reservation centers and or onsite configurations, Jetway customers enjoy the service they want.
We actively respond to the individual requests and assist long before the departure, as well as make all the necessary arrangements for when you have landed.
Anywhere you need to be in Greece or in the world, is everywhere we go. We have close contacts with the best local services. Whether for ground transport, catering, accommodation or yacht charter, with Jetway you have access to a unique network of excellence.
You also have the benefit of our longstanding relationship with every industry leader, all committed to provide the highest quality solution at every level.
Our “Fortune 500” customers deserve the very best in reliable, safe and discrete service. We continuously evaluate the operations of all our partners as we believe they share responsibility for contributing to the success of Jetway.