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Magna Aviation

Since 1996 one name has become synonymous with aircraft charter in Greece, Miltos Mouzakis. Over 13 years he has worked for every major Greek charter operator and has built an enviable reputation for outstanding client service and fulfilment across the European aircraft charter industry. In 2008 Miltos Mouzakis established Magna Aviation… now there are two names to trust in Greek aircraft charter.
Our worldwide charter service arranges both personal and business travel. From an individual wanting to travel Athens - New York, all the way up to 400 passengers on a single aircraft. Whether you need convenient scheduling, personalized service or continuous corporate identity (for example, fully branded seat customization) we can find the solution. Our clients use us to provide seamless travel for many different purposes including: conference and incentive business, product launches, executive transport, leisure, repatriation, medical flights or even just to connect to regular scheduled flights.
Magna Aviation offers unparalleled flexibility and service. We pride ourselves on finding solutions to difficult aircraft charters and transportation for clients, often after others have failed. We believe it is simply never too late to charter an aircraft with us, if the need arises we can get a flight in the air in as little as one hour. Whether travelling to or from Greece we have the ability to source you the right aircraft at the right price.
Working with Magna would provide you with a series of benefits:
* Gain access to all Greek registered executive and commercial aircraft that are officially registered in AOCs (Air Operator’s Certificates)
* Instant quoting. Simply call us anytime on +30.6982.333.444 and we can get you an instant quotation about your requested trip
* Continuously monitoring on your behalf all Greek aircraft, all necessary safety requirements (i.e. AOC’s insurance certificates) on your behalf, and as such make your selection easier and safer
* Magna Aviation is a member of Avinode and this enables to negotiate always better rates with Greek aircraft owners on behalf of the client.
Head Office:
39 Ithomis Street
Glyfada 166 71
TEL: +30 210 960 5555 (24 hours)
Cell: +30 6982 333 444 & +30 6981 333 444
FAX: +30 210 960 2565
EMAIL: [email protected] This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it